Saturday, May 14, 2011

Express Yourself

To tell someone about an opinon or concept by aim of speaking or writing
Expressing yourself to me is really important.  I believe that it is good for anybody, in there lifetime. Why? Because it's your uniquness.  It shows everyone you're real personality.   I, like many others can hide their real identity, but that doesn't mean it's right.  Eventually, you should show others, who you really are.  The models on T.V. aren't real.  I model.  You don't know how much photoshop you can do to someone on a computer.  It's not really them,  just like  if you're the one hiding from everyone else. It's not really you.  Are you hiding behind a different identity? Why don't people know who you really are? I, like many others hide. Why?  For no reason in particular.  Are we afraid of what others think? Uniqueness. Show don't care bout what they think about you.  God, made you special. Come out from what you are hiding from. You're special. You deserve to be heard, and you deserve respect. Have the confidence, to go out, and be yourself. Be unique for once, be the person you wish others could see. Be Yourself. They will like you for who you are. God made you, and he thought you were perfect. You're his creation. Be different from the others...Express Yourself.

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